
Welcome back! This GM camp is held in person in our Academy office space at regular capacity,
GM Yermolinsky, 2-time US Champion, in attendance
This camp is recommended for students rated 1000+ USCF or 1100+ NWSRS rating.
Grandmaster Alex Yermolinsky is a well-known US chess player, established online chess commentator, analyst and popular chess coach who worked in many scholastic chess camps around the country. He brings years of teaching experience and chess knowledge, now in-person in Redmond!
This camp features tournament games analyzed by a Chess Grand Master. Also middlegame and endgame topics will be covered. Other activities include solving fun chess puzzles, learning cool openings, solving tricky tactics, mastering fundamental endgames, and playing casual games between students! We may separate into a second group with its own coach if the skill levels and ages require it and there are enough students.
Early bird discount 5% if you register by May 1st.
All camps are attended or conducted by International Master Georgi Orlov, 1994 US Open Champion, USCF Rated 2540, with a 4-Year Chess Education degree from Moscow, Russia.
Our 2023 Grand Master camp is held in our Redmond office.
Redmond: Orlov Chess Academy, 4174 148th Ave NE, Building I Suite M, Redmond, WA 98052
Dates: Flexible!
This summer camp is a five-day series, Monday – Friday.
Choose two or more full days in any combination: July 10 – 14.
Or choose two or more half-day sessions for this Grand Master camp.
Please specify your dates in comments section when registering online.
Register early, space is limited to 18 in Redmond.
See our complete Green Lake Camps calendar and our Redmond Camps.
Click here to reserve your days.
Daily Schedule
Arrival and check-in begins at 8:30 am
Lessons start promptly at 9:00 am
There are scheduled breaks throughout the day.
Lunch 11:15 to 12:15 pm.
Please bring your lunch and snacks! No peanut-based food, please.
In the afternoon students play games with game analysis provided.
Pickup by 3:00 pm.
After-camp care is available upon advanced request, $16/hour additional charge.
Chess Camp Questions: info@chessplayer.com or call Georgi 206-387-1253
Please note: Advance registration is required.
We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Please register early.
Cancellation fee $29, please give us 72-hour notice required.
Early bird 5% discount by registering by May 1st.
Additional 10% discount for siblings.
Five days before camp begins, price increases by 5%.
Prices subject to change without notice.
Half day | $47 each (min 2) |
2 days | $74.50 each |
3 days | $70 each |
4 days | $68 each |
5 days | $66 each |